Have you heard about the upper, middle, and lower back pain spiritual meanings? Back pain is one of the most common complaints heard by doctors. It is also one of the least understood.
Many people believe that back pain is a purely physical problem, but there is growing evidence that emotional or spiritual factors may also play a role.
One study found that nearly half of all adults who suffer from chronic back pain also have depression or anxiety. This suggests that emotional and spiritual factors may be contributing to their pain.
Acknowledging that the upper, middle, or lower back pain can be spiritual and emotional will be the first step to recovery from the ailment when the conventional methods are not working.
Back pain can affect people of all ages, from children to seniors. Lower back pain is the sixth most expensive medical condition in the US, costing Americans more than $50 billion each year in treatment.
According to the report by the Bone and Joint Initiative, back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost workdays in a year in the US.
Lower back pain can indicate big decisions to be made in life, mid-back pain may represent memories from the past and unresolved emotional issues, and upper back pain can be associated with a lack of emotional support or feeling unloved. Back pain can be a sign of an underlying spiritual imbalance and can serve as a reminder that something needs to change in our lives. From a spiritual perspective, back pain tells us that the universe has a message and, if we pay attention, we can receive it.
Back Pain Spiritual Meanings
The back is the most important part of the human body. It supports everything from our heads to our legs. So, when something goes wrong with our backs, it can be very debilitating.
There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is a lack of support. This can be in the form of financial support, emotional support, or even physical support.
When we feel like we are not being supported, it can lead to a feeling of insecurity and fear. And this can manifest itself as back pain.
Most people associate backpains with spiritual meaning. This is a belief that has been in many societies in the world. Here is a look at what different back pains may mean.
Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meanings

The lower back is the body’s center of gravity, and it is responsible for bearing the brunt of the body’s weight. It is also home to the sacral chakra, which is responsible for our feelings of safety and security.
If you’re constantly feeling angry or frustrated because you feel like you’re not being supported, that resentment can manifest as physical pain in your lower back. This is especially true if you’re carrying around a lot of emotional baggage from past hurts.
Pain in the different locations within the lower back has different spiritual meanings and metaphysical causes.
It is believed that the different part of the vertebrae has different focus. So, pain in these areas is revealing varieties of secrets of life: both physical and emotional.
1) Pain in the Sacrum (Tailbone or Coccyx) Area of Lower Back
The sacrum is the base representing the beginning and your place on this planet. If you have pelvis and sacrum pain, it means you’re not rooted or grounded spiritually.
2) Pain in the L5 Bone (of Lumbar Vertebrae) Area of the Lower Back
The L5 bone represents your ability to make decisions and move in life with or without the support of your ancestors and family. The feeling of not belonging somewhere brings a big deal of emotional pain.
Experiencing pain in this area means a person feels that they are not rooted where they are supposed to be. The feeling that you cannot relate or have anything in common with your family physically and emotionally.
3) Pain in the L4 Bone Area of Lower Back
The L4 represents your creativity and emotions. It is how you express your feelings with your family, community, and the world around you.
Pain around here is often associated with how you deal with loss and grief and also the expression of joy. If you are not allowed to express emotions surrounding grief, then you will suffer from pain in this area.
4) Pain in the L3 Bone Area of Lower Back
L3 bone is the symbol of family support. Experiencing pain here means you don’t have familial support in any decisions you make. It also has to do with your sexual orientation and the family not accepting your choice of a partner.
This part deals with a person’s belief system, and if you move away from those beliefs, you will have problems here, and standing your truth and your inner power will do a lot of healing.
Mid-Back Pain Spiritual Meanings

This area is famously known as the back of the heart. Sometimes we experience pain here as a result of physical causes.
Understanding the spiritual meaning of this pain can also be the key to healing. It is this part that we get our energy and sometimes caring too much for others, whether our parents or children, can hurt you if you don’t take care of yourself.
This part represents the past which is usually behind us. If you experience pain in this part, it is something to do with the past. Do you know that feeling of Deja Vu? Experiencing the same occurrence from the past? This is similar to that.
The heart is telling you that the pain you’re experiencing is the same as what happened In the past; something that hurt you or resonated with you emotionally caused a lot of pain in your heart. It could be rejection or pain. Letting go of the past would be an excellent way to end this pain.
Upper Back Pain Spiritual Meanings

From the spiritual point of view, the right side represents the conscious, and the left represents the subconscious.
The upper back on the right holds all those pent-up feelings of aggression, anger, and jealousy, while the left side of the back controls tender emotions like grief, loss, love, sympathy, etc.
The meaning of experiencing pain in this part of the back is associated with feelings of emotional insecurity. The sense of nervousness and unease resulting from a person feeling inferior or vulnerable in a way and, in the process, hurts their self-image and ego. The pain can also result from someone carrying the weight on their shoulders.
Everyone expects a lot from you, and it is all on you if it is not fulfilled. This person needs to understand that they can be accepted without being perfect, and each person is responsible for their happiness. It can also mean you feel controlled and can’t make decisions independently.
Emotional, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Causes of Back Pain
Psychological distress can be associated with both acute and chronic back aches. Feelings of anxiety-like stress and worries and depressive symptoms like sadness and discouragement can cause back ache.
Negative emotions like guilt and stress can cause back pain. This happens when the stress puts tension on the muscles and, in turn, can lead to pain.
The back carries the whole skeleton, and sometimes the feeling of not being supported can cause pain. The feeling of no one understanding you; therefore, you have to do everything yourself.
Spiritual pain cannot be scaled per se, but it can impact the physical and emotional dimensions. Four things cause spiritual pain, which, one way or another, can cause back pain.
- Hopelessness is when you feel like there is no hope or it is non-existent.
- Struggling to understand the meaning behind things. The meaning of life, trying to make sense of the world around you, and the meaning behind relationships.
- The pain that comes as a result of forgiveness can either be us or even others.
- The pain that comes as a result of relating with others. Dealing with relationships can cause pain, whether it is bad or good.
Spiritual Awakening and Back Pain
Spiritual awakening is an experience or realization in which an individual founds a new spiritual reality and transcends above their ego.
When it comes to back pain, we are used to getting relief in a short while. Then it comes back. That is because we don’t know the difference between relief and release.
We get relief when the pain receptors are masked or numbed, but when the numbness wears off, we experience pain again. The release is when the part or issue causing the pain leaves the body.
We have already discussed the meaning of pain. When it comes to spiritual awakening, we must focus and hone our pain, the emotional and spiritual pain so that we can be okay physically. You can find relief from back pain through the spiritual awakening process.
First, you need to track the source of the pain except for the obvious ones. A broken arm is easy to track, and I am talking about the emotional pains and trauma that happened in the past, even the physical trauma. You know, muscle memory and all.
Secondly, focus on the pain; it can be hard at first, but with spiritual awakening, you can get there. Things like deepening your mind, sleeping well, and even eating healthy can get you there.
Sometimes doing this can cause discomfort but work through it, and it comes in waves so that it won’t stop with the first one.
Lastly, the release of the pain. The best way to do this is to power through the pain and feel that the pain has been released. It could be a memory of pain stuck in your body or something as easy as hunching over your computer for long periods, but this does t work unless you do something physically to remedy the pain. Just do something perfectly for yourself.
Upper, Middle, and Lower Back Pain Spiritual Healing
The stuck emotions can cause back pain. Emily A Francis, who wrote the book, “The Body Heals Itself“, suggests three ways of releasing stuck emotions to heal back pain.
1) Physical exercise
The exercise is done in the child pose. Just kneel on the floor with your palm resting on your thighs. Lower your stomach between the knees and exhale while extending your arms and palms down and relaxing your shoulder. This allows the back to open up and release everything locked in there.
2) Daily affirmations
This is done while going through the poses when releasing the back. “I can move forward with my life without fear of financial worry,” and “I am open and available to heal from the deepest depths of my being now” are what Francis suggested. But it would be helpful to make affirmations and intentions based on your experience.
3) Meditation
According to Francis, this is for clearing and releasing the entire back. Here you go to the child position, expose the back, and breathe out the bad and good energy.
Release every negative emotion; regret, sadness and shame, and open up the shoulder blades and the whole back. It is all about the metaphysical balance.
Reiki for Back Pain
Reiki is an alternative healing method that originated in Japan. Reiki uses energy to encourage the healing of physical and emotional pain.
The practitioner uses the palm to transfer the universal energy from themselves to the patient. Reiki session typically begins either on the legs or the head.
When a person lies on the table, they immediately get a chance to relax their back and their eyes. It involves light or no touch at all—just the hands of the practitioner a few inches from the body.
The research that has been done has shown that reiki improves back pain and is recommended as a complementary treatment for pain.
It releases stress and anxiety and improves the quality of life. Sometimes the patients relax and fall asleep on the reiki table, restoring health.
Some theories can explain how reiki works. One is that it triggers the vagus nerve, which starts up the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for digestion, mood, heart rate, and how we perceive pain.
The second is that it balances the energy in the body by eliminating the energy blocks, and by doing this, it improves the body’s ability to heal itself, though for reiki to work, you have to be consistent in going in for the sessions, to be open-minded and wear comfortable clothes.
Should I be Concerned?
Back pain comes in different forms, and the first thing we do is use home remedies. If the pain comes once and heals a few days later, then no reason for alarm.
You probably didn’t sleep in the proper position, but if the pain persists for more than a week and the pain threshold increases, you should be concerned.
Here are some symptoms to watch out for that can be a cause for concern
- Running a fever. Many things can cause this, such as flu or an infection, but if it is accompanied back, you should check it out.
- Unexplained weight loss. If the weight loss is sudden and can’t be explained, you should seek help, especially if it is accompanied by back pain.
- If you are experiencing problems with urination and bowel movements.
- If the pain is worse at specific times or when sitting in certain positions
- If you experience numbness, weakness, or tingling sensation.
- If the pain lasts for more than one week. To be safe, contact a doctor to rule out any infection.
- If the pain extends to other parts of the body.
How Can We Get Rid of Back Pain?
There are various ways to relieve back pain. It can be natural remedies or conventional methods. Here are some ways you can get relief
1) Adopt a good sleeping position and posture
Sleeping can be hard when you have back problems, but you could try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs. This puts your spine in a neutral position, and try relaxing your back.
2) Slouching is bad for your back
Sit upright with your body being supported, with shoulders in a relaxed position. Poor posture, especially for long periods, can make your pain worse.
3) Use over-the-counter painkillers or prescribed pain medicines
The most common over-the-counter meds are acetaminophen and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Some patients may require strong painkillers, but they have side effects. It is essential to consult your doctor first.
4) Physical therapy
Physiotherapy helps, and exercises like child pose and yoga can relieve back pain. They can teach body mechanics, how to stand and move, and ensure the spine is well aligned.
5) Chiropractic treatment
It is a safe and effective method to treat upper, middle, and lower back pain. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to adjust the spine and other joints in the body. This helps to relieve pain and improve function.
Chiropractic treatment is often used to treat back pain that is caused by muscle strains or joint problems.
6) Include foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus in your diet
This prevents osteoporosis in the later stages of life, especially in women. Having strong and healthy bones prevents instances of back aches.
7) Heat and ice
Heat and ice compression can be used to relieve back pain. Wrap a pack of ice in a towel and place it on your back. For heat, use a warm towel.
8) Use complementary therapy like reiki therapy, meditation, and yoga
Complementary therapies like reiki, meditation, and yoga offer hope for those suffering from back pain. These therapies can help to heal lower, mid, and upper back pain.
Reiki therapy is a form of energy healing that can help to reduce pain and promote healing. Meditation can help to ease muscle tension and pain. Yoga can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the back.
Final Words from Health Kura
Physical back pain is not only caused by physical causes but also by spiritual and emotional factors. You need to understand the emotional and spiritual causes for you to heal the physical dimension.
There are a dozen ways of dealing with back pain, some conventional, others not. Sometimes a mere change of habits can heal your pain. Understanding them is the first step to recovery.
Video: Spiritual Meanings of Upper, Mid, and Lower Back Pain
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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q1: What is the spiritual significance of upper back pain?
A: Upper back pain can be associated with carrying emotional burdens and the need to release past traumas or unresolved emotions.
Q2: What does mid back pain symbolize from a spiritual perspective?
A: Mid back pain often represents issues related to self-worth, feeling unsupported, or carrying the weight of responsibilities that hinder personal growth.
Q3: Is there a spiritual meaning behind lower back pain?
A: Lower back pain can indicate challenges with grounding, a lack of stability, or the need to address deep-rooted fears and insecurities.
Q4: How can I address the spiritual causes of back pain?
A: Exploring practices such as meditation, energy healing, and inner reflection can help identify and address the underlying spiritual causes of back pain.
Q5: Can back pain be a result of spiritual imbalances?
A: Yes, spiritual imbalances can manifest as physical discomfort, including back pain. It’s important to address the holistic well-being of mind, body, and spirit.
Q6: Are there specific emotions associated with back pain?
A: Yes, emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and grief can be linked to different types of back pain. Recognizing and processing these emotions can aid in healing.
Q7: How can I release emotional burdens contributing to back pain?
A: Practices like journaling, therapy, energy work, and forgiveness exercises can help release emotional burdens and promote healing in the back area.
Q8: Can back pain be a sign of spiritual awakening?
A: Yes, during a spiritual awakening, physical symptoms like back pain may arise as the body adjusts to higher frequencies of energy and undergoes transformation.
Q9: What role does posture play in the spiritual interpretation of back pain?
A: Poor posture can symbolize a lack of self-confidence or resistance to fully embracing one’s power. Cultivating better posture can support spiritual growth.
Q10: Should I seek medical help for back pain even if I consider its spiritual meaning?
A: Absolutely! While exploring the spiritual aspects of back pain is valuable, it’s crucial to address any physical concerns. Consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive approach to healing.