Wheatgrass Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits


All about “Superfood” or Wheatgrass Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits.

By Outrach – Drink UP

Photo by Fabien Burgue from Pexels


Do you know why wheatgrass is called a superfood? That’s because it is absolutely full of essential nutrients, all of them natural.

One of the main reasons many people struggle with a myriad of health issues is the fact that we’ve come to rely too much on highly processed food.

Wheatgrass, especially in its juice form, brings you only the things your body needs – vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, and loads of chlorophyll. 

Let’s have a detailed look at what wheatgrass contains and what health benefits they provide.

Wheatgrass Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

The power of the earth

Here’s one simple fact – wheatgrass contains 98 out of the 102 elements commonly found in soil. Among them, vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and selenium. Your body needs all of them to function properly.

On top of that, wheatgrass also has essential enzymes and amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.

How can this help? Take, for instance, calcium, which is essential for your bones, no matter what your age is. Or iron, which helps boost red blood cell production, improves oxygen level and raises your immunity levels. 

More red cells mean more oxygen to every part of your body and this can help prevent various types of cancer.

Tumors thrive in a low-oxygen environment, but wheatgrass has all the tissues in your body breathing and keeping cancer at bay.

Nature can provide us with all the nutrients we need to survive and enjoy perfect health. To get all that wealth of essential nutrients, all you have to do is locate a source of preferably organic wheatgrass and use this juicer to get your daily glass of liquid health.

Go green!

Wheatgrass contains 70% chlorophyll, the pigment present in all green plants. As a matter of fact, plants use chlorophyll and light to make food. A vibrantly green plant is healthy, whereas a yellowish one is already dying.

What makes chlorophyll so important for us humans is that it is a powerful detoxifying agent that cleanses your blood of harmful elements.

At the same time, chlorophyll is very similar to the hemoglobin in our blood, so it has blood-building properties.

It also acts as an anti-aging agent as it restores cell function, whether you drink the juice or apply it topically. By the way, wheatgrass juice can be used to treat sunburns as well as acne.

You can use freshly squeezed juice or keep a tray of juice cubes in your freezer and apply them to patches of skin affected by eczema or psoriasis.

The benefits of dietary fiber present in Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass provides an incredible amount of fiber and with regular consumption, you’ll notice a marked improvement in your digestion and you can forget about constipation.

At the same time, wheatgrass juice is full of selenium. This mineral helps your thyroid work at full capacity, which also improves digestion. A side benefit is that you can lose weight easier, as this superfood boosts your metabolism.

And, if you didn’t know, having good digestion helps prevent strong body odors. Maybe it won’t make your sweat smell like roses, but at least you won’t be carrying around a strong locker-room stench!

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a good juicer and join the wheatgrass revolution!


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