What does it mean when the bottom or top of the left or right foot itches? Is there any omen, biblical or spiritual meaning of itchy feet? What are the superstitions or meanings of the itchy left foot and itchy right foot for males and females? You will find out answers to those questions. So, stay connected.
An itchy sensation in the skin of the foot or elsewhere is also known as pruritus. Just like an itchy sensation in other parts of the body, an itchy left or right foot and its bottom is also supposed to possess spiritual meanings, superstitions, or omen (good or bad).
We know all of you are interested to know what your itchy feet have to tell you about your days from a spiritual point of view.
To pacify your curiosity regarding the topic, we will be discussing some interesting and amazing meanings of itching in the feet.
Before diving into the itchy left or right feet meaning, let’s get started with ‘superstition’.

Few words on Superstition
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines superstition as “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation”.
According to the report of Statista Research Department (2019), 11-27% of Americans believe in some kind of superstition.
Spiritual meanings, superstitions, and myths have strongholds in every culture, and tradition, and have become one of the important aspects of human civilization.
Some people believe that itching in the feet means you have to travel to a strange place soon, while others believe that you are going to face trouble in the near future.
What Does It Mean When Your Right Foot Itches?
According to some popular cultural beliefs, an itchy right foot indicates bad luck accompanied by sorrowful journey and negative outcomes for females whereas it is an omen of positive results, good luck and joyful, or fruitful journey for males.

Most Popular Meaning of Itchy Right Foot (Male & Female)
Different cultures have different meanings for right foot itching or tingling. Among several “old wives’ tales” related to the itchy right foot, the one that is quite popular worldwide is that you will go on a journey to a strange place soon.
This historical meaning of itching the right foot bottom is familiar among almost everyone in the entire world.
Like right side itching in other body parts, an itchy right foot also carries positive meanings.
Right foot itching hints that you are desperate to start a journey to a new place where you will be welcomed, appreciated, and admired.
It means you will soon commence a fruitful and meaningful journey to a new destination.
What Asians Believe About Right Foot Bottom Itching?
(According to Hindu Religion of India, Nepal, & Other Asian Countries)
Many communities with Hindu cultures believe that the itchy right foot bottom is a sign that you should not stay still, and keep moving. Keep moving in your job, relation, or anything.
So, when the people of this culture have an itchy sensation in the right foot bottom, they just wake up and walk outside for sometimes to do anything.

What Does It Mean When Your Right Foot Itches (According to Turkish)
The Muslims of Turkey have a distinct meaning of itchy right foot bottom. They consider it as a good fortune that is coming to the life in the near future.
If you have your right leg itching at the moment when you are starting a new business, job, study, journey, or relation, it indicates good luck and success.
Keep going on your present job, study, or business because you are likely to see the greatest advancement in your career, and big achievements in your study, or anything you have just started.
Biblical Meaning of Right Foot Itching (According to Jews and Christians)
Christians and Jews, the followers of the Bible, have a myth that if you have an itching right foot, it is an omen that you are desirous to go to a better place than you are right now.
Bear the purpose in your mind, as it is a sign that you are going to start a new journey to a new destination without any real purpose.
On contrary, some Christians have itchy right foot superstition that tells’ you are going for a purposeful trip with fruitful results.’

What Does It Mean When Your Right Foot Itches? (Psychological View)
According to psychology, itching on the right side of any body part indicates the activation of positive energy in the mind and body.
When your mind is charged with positive energy, you are likely to make rational decisions.
As a consequence, you will enjoy the positive outcome of anything you start. Likewise, if you start a new journey in life with positive vibrational energy, you will reach a destination with success, happiness, and profit.
What Does It Mean When Your Left Foot Itches?
Itchy left foot indicates bad luck accompanied by sorrowful journey without any positive outcomes for males whereas it is an omen of good luck and joyful, or fruitful journey for females, according to beliefs of some popular cultures.
Most Popular Meaning of Left Foot Bottom Itching (Male & Female)
While the itchy right sole indicates a joyous journey to a destination, the itchy left foot is an omen of a journey that will cause losses.
It usually indicates the outcome of the journey that you will do in the days to come.
Itchy left foot superstition of some cultures is that you will soon walk into a strange land where you will be welcomed with sadness, sorrow and pain.
If you have a left leg itching at the moment when you are starting a new business, job, study, journey, or relation, it indicates a bad omen and unsuccess.
Search for the alternative of the current job, study, or business because you are likely to see the greatest loss in your career, and big failure in your study, or anything you have just started.

What Does It Mean When Your Left Foot Itches? (Psychological View)
According to psychology, itching on the left side of any body part indicates the activation of negative energy in the mind and body.
When your mind is charged with negative energy, you are likely to make irrational decisions.
As a consequence, you will suffer from the negative outcome of anything you start. Likewise, if you start a new journey in life with negative vibrational energy, you will reach a destination with pain, sadness, and unsuccess.
Medically, what Does It Mean If Your Right or Left Foot Itches?
The medical term for itchy skin is pruritus. According to Mayo Clinic, pruritus or itchy skin of feet or any other parts of the body is “an uncomfortable, irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch”.
“Dry skin is the major cause of itchy skin, and the problem is common in older adults, as skins tend to become drier with age.”
The itchy sensation arises due to the irritation of nerve cells associated with the skin.
There are numerous causes of the right or left itchy foot. Common medical conditions associated with the itching of the feet are:
-Diseases such as cancer, hepatic (liver diseases), cholestasis, peripheral neuropathy, renal (kidney diseases), thyroid disorders, athlete’s foot, eczema, psoriasis, pruritus gravidarum in pregnant women, etc.
-exposure of feet to the substance that can cause an irritating reaction to the body is another reason for having itchy feet.
Dirt, dust, plant products, and animal products can cause an itching sensation in the foot.
-some medicines such as opioids, narcotics, ACE inhibitors, and statins also can cause an itchy left or right foot.
In response to the itchy sensations in your feet, you might scratch your skin which leads to the skin changes such as swelling, spots, rashes, scaly plaque, blisters, and redness.
Treatment for Itchy feet
If you have a continuous itching sensation in the skin of your feet, consult your doctor to rule out the exact cause. Based on the cause, your doctor will start the treatment.
Common medications for the treatment of itchy bottom or top of the feet include H1-blocker antihistamine, antifungal sprays, topical emollients, steroid creams, tricyclic antidepressants, among others.
To prevent itchy feet, you must pay special attention to the hygiene and cleanliness of the foot and foot products.
Some useful tips include washing feet regularly, putting on shoes and socks after completely drying your feet, using cotton or wool socks, keeping your feet away from too many chemicals in the form of soap, or powders, and so on.
Home Remedies for Itching of Feet
If you are suffering from uncomfortable and itchy sensations in the feet, try these home remedies.
-to reduce the problem of dryness, apply cold in the form of damp cloths or ice packs to the itchy area
-use moisturizers regularly to prevent your feet from dryness
-avoid scratching the affected area in the foot
-prepare an oatmeal bath (put one cup of oatmeal powder in warm water) and dip the affected foot in the water
-apply topical anesthetics containing pramoxine
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, itchy feet indicates your upcoming journey that might be fruitful or sorrowful based on which foot is itching depending on your gender.
Although we don’t have sufficient scientific evidence to support the superstitions or beliefs related to itchy feet that are prevailing in society for hundreds of years, we can’t say they are bad things for society.
Some people may find this topic annoying and useless, while others think such beliefs are the important ways of getting aware of the situations in life.
It’s all up to you whether to take itchy feet superstition as just an ‘old lady tale’ or omens or to take the message as an important guide to make decisions in your every step of life.
But being careful about the incidences that might encounter in life is always a good practice, whether you get the hint from life experience or superstition.
Video on Feet Itching Superstition and Spiritual Meaning
- https://www.medicoverhospitals.in/symptoms/feet-itching
- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/superstition
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/959295/belief-in-superstitions-in-the-us/
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/itchy-skin/symptoms-causes/syc-20355006
- https://www.healthline.com/health/itchy-feet
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